Ladies from Haddonfield Fortnightly.

Children’s Birthday Bags donated by the Ladies from Haddonfield Fortnightly.

Irene Hempstead, chairman of the Literature and Drama Committee, and Pat Underwood , President of The Haddonfield Fortnightly, are holding 4 of the 38 “Birthday Bags” which the women of The Haddon Fortnightly assembled which were delivered to the Cherry Hill Food Pantry.   The Birthday Bags were assembled for the children whose parents or guardians shop at the pantry.  These bagsinclude everything to make a child’s Birthday a special day.

Irene Hempstead, Chairman of the Literature and Drama Committee of The Haddon Fortnightly; Janet Giordano,Executive Director of the Cherry Hill Food Pantry; JoAnn Monsburgger, a volunteer at the food pantry; and Pat Underwood, President of The Haddonfield Fortnightly, are unpacking the 38 Birthday Bags which the women of The Haddon Fortnightly filled for the children of the parents who shop at the Cherry Hill Food Pantry.

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